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O'Connell Primary School, North Richmond Street, Dublin 1

News Nuacht - Activ School Week

29th May 2024
Our second and third class recently played a basketball blitz against boys from St....

2022/2023 School Year

2nd Jun 2023
We held our annual sports Day on Thursday June 1st and it was a huge success. The...
8th May 2023
A number of boys have been taking part in the cool dudes course in school. Today...
15th Oct 2022
Active week was a huge success in the O Connell Primary. The active school team had...
14th Oct 2022
Yesterday as part of active week the boys in 2nd class got to take part in a frisbee...
13th Oct 2022
The boys in room 11 were first up to try ultimate Frisbee this morning. Dominic taught...
13th Oct 2022
For Wednesday of Active Week room 11 took part in orienteering. The boys had to find...
12th Oct 2022
It is said that spending more time outdoors in nature can greatly improve people’s...
11th Oct 2022
Today the boys took part in Tic Tac Toe activities as part of Active Week.